Thursday, February 5, 2009

4,5th feb

There are very few things in life tht once i decide to do it..I follow it up but blogging doesnt seem to be one of them.I did get time to sit on the pc yesterday but I was really tired and i just wanted to finish off the agatha christie i was reading and go off to sleep.I had taken my frd Nami's para book also to complete but was too pooped to do nething...I went to play badminton yesterday and today with mri in cheddanagar gymkhana..It was fun..My maid always puts my socks to wash even tho they can be worn atleast thrice..and everytime i play in wet socks..I am trying to be calm and collected like a mature individual at home so that my parents feel m responsible enough and let me have something from my wish list..Right now i am hoping that i get a car after my 2nd year ie if i get decent marks..I have got lotta plans for the car also..I dont mind a 2nd hand one also..Il get it painted purple with 2 green stripes in the middle..and il convert it to CNG and use it as a mini ambulance also for the dogs..I mean il get something done like if people have trouble catching n transporting dogs to NGO hospitals or parel,Il be there to do that...but genuine callers not some sad ass who wants to waste my time...My frd n I were discussing about this couple that we know..Now the gurl had the eyes on the guy right from the time she saw how rich he was..Excellent house...Rich parents..Blah blah...She spent 7-8 months trying to woo him..Now the guy was one of my good friends..I genuinely liked him..Dont get me wrong..I mean in a good way..he was sweet,funny and a very good friend who was around wen i needed him..Now finally they started going around which was predicted by me 6 months before they started gng around..Both are exactly the opposite of each other by way of nature..She is dominating and loud and she has made him exactly the way she is...Brainwashed him completely..Isolated him from all the people he was close to and making more enemies by the day..Now there is a lot of lust factor in this and somewhere a break up is around the corner but i really dont understand how a person can be so manipulative and cunning?he is practically dancing to her every time..Even we are not good friends as in the past and that is really a pity coz i thot our frdship would go a long way..a sincere appeal to god to give him ample sense..I was also thinking bout my future husband..There was this sir who used to teach us when i was almost an adult..He was a cutie..Good looking..well bred and extremely smart..many of the gurls had an eye on him...but he was married and neway the point is i would love to be together with someone like that..earning really well as a professor..i think above a lakh or 2 per month..Cute...well settled and not into some business of his own with loads of stress that comes with it..I am going to be spending most of my income on the NGO which is 1st priority for me after my he has to be earning well...otherwise how will i shop?!!hehehe..ok..m kidding..i dont want a millionaire and i know i sha'nt get one but I need someone with a great educational background,earning well,an animal lover and someone who is from outside my field..thats that..Me thinking of going for Dev D this week..I hope its a classy movie showing some reality with ne sleaziness..Offcourse my mom thinks its going to be crap...hehehe...I dont wanna see billu barber..i think its gng to be a really boring movie..I would rather go for marley and me..I love labs mann!I mean today we had 3 lab pups from the police at our opd today..such cuties..they have very short life spans u know..these bomb squad dogs...U know what..We are gng to bleed a rabbit to death for one of our microbiological experiments...I mean..are we training to be butchers or vets?I cant imagine such a delicate poor little harmless thing like a rabbit for an experiment?!And plus we are supposed to look after it before the expt...Its like raising a kid and then sacrificing way m i going to be present for that practical..I almost had an emotional breakdown when they slaughtered a calf last year in anatomy..shit!I am not emotionally weak but i have not yet learnt to accept death...esp if it is human induced..Thats all for today...See ya:)

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