Monday, February 23, 2009

Today's day was heccctic!!!!!!...I mean i left from my house at around 9'30am..My uncle dropped me n mri to our college..he has a HP Store in malad so sometimes when we have lecs at 10 or if i know i wont be able to catch the 9am lec..then i hitch a ride with him..Then i went to my house to drop a bag full of clothes..And also to pick up the journal of the practical we had had..Not many people were present and the sir just went on and on and on about parasites and their ancestors and each and every bloddy body part of those blood suckers..Then we had to view them under the slide and draw our own interpretation from that into our journals..Now i am very good at copying diagrams from textbooks or other people's books but really dont have much of an imagination when it comes to this...So anyway finally we left for parel and my friend devika dropped us till BKC and frm there we took a bus to parel..It was so bloddy hot..I mean i hate getting out my house or college btween 11 and 3..It sucks..:(...
And then we were just whiling away our time in parel till Sagar who is a dance choreographer cum DJ and my very good friend came over to teach us a compilation of tracks for our upcoming fest Spandan..Now All of us are dancing after like a year..I mean ..not literally..I dance everyday...Infront of the mirror..hee hee..thats my favourite pasttime..neway he had a tough time teaching us hip hop but i think we picked it up in the end..i practiced after reaching home too...Lets see what happens aage..Then we went home..i was sitting under my Building for a very long time..And then i went home at 10..Me n mri were supposed to go and play badminton but both of us were pretty pooped..and plus if there are matches tomoro..I dont want to be soo tired that i lose coz my partner took adequate rest and i dint:(...Then i had some yummy food made by dad..and thats about it..I dont have nething to wear to college tomoro..all my clothes are in goregoan..I dunno what i am going to do..Mebbe il wear my brother's clothes..he is always accusing me of stealing il prove him right:)...Thats about it for now...Ciao

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